Ga: Culture


They live along the coast of Ghana around the capital city Accra, towards the Togo border, as well as in the hills and mountains north of the Coast.


Ga Priests are servants of the Gods and interrupter of the will of the gods to the people.

National cult is Kple. One of their Gods. Music history can be derived from Kple songs.


The are many festivals throughout the year the most famous of which is ‘Homowo’  The story comes from the history of the Gas’ migration to Ghana. The Ga migration to the West Coast of Africa was a long one.  Along the way they experienced much famine and suffering, but because they helped each other, they survived. Later, when their harvests were bountiful, they held a feast at which they mocked and jeered at hunger and the hard times that had plagued them.

Traditional Power:

The smallest social unit is the home – ‘we’. The biggest social unit is the ‘Kasi’ – the male line. The political head of the ‘Kasi’ is the ‘asafoatse’ –the sub cheif. They were traditionally a theocracy, their only leaders being priests assisted by the elders. The present chieftaincy system of rule being borrowed from the Akan model


Within their music they have also taken in the external influence of both the Akans and the Ewes.  Using the Akan and Ewe drums and music as their own. Cult music  Kple, Kpa and Apon. Recreational Music   Sonte, Oge, Gome, Kolomashie, Konkoma and Kpanlogo.


Dangbe and Ga


They were farmers, fishermen, salt miners, blacksmiths, potters, weavers, bead makers and hunters and hunters. All these professions are still found but being around the developing capital, commerce has taken over a major aspect of there economic ventures.

Ga: Dances


Gome is one of the oldest musical types performed by the coastal Ga of Ghana, which was introduced by Accra fishermen from the Fernando Po Islands in the early eighteenth century. Originally, Gome was performed exclusively by fishermen after their expeditions to celebrate their catch. Other occupational groups, especially artisans, also eventually adopted this music and dance as a form of entertainment. Presently, Gome is performed by all categories of people– young and old, male and female, on all social occasions


Kpanlongo is the most recent of all Ga recreational musical types, an offshoot of Gome, Oge, Kolomashie, and Konkoma. Referred to as “the dance of the youth,” Kpanlongo started during the wake of Ghana’s Independence as a musical type for entertainment in Accra. Kpanlongo is presently performed at life-cycle events, festivals, and political rallies.

  • Instruments
  • Slit Bell – Nono
  • Double Bell – Nononta
  • Pod Bell – Dodompo
  • Lead Drum – Atswereshi
  • Support Drums – Atswereshi x 2
  • Frame Drums – Tamlali x 1 or 2
  • Bass Drum – Gome

The Kpanlogo dance was invented by Otoo Lincoln. He was told an Ansee folk story by his Grandfather. Kpanlogo, Mma Mma and Algodzan were the names of three triplets girls. Their father was the cheif and said, how ever could guess their names could marry them. So a man went to their home pretending to be a mad man asking for water, he met the girls and learnt their names as they called to each other. To remember them he kept singing to himself ‘Kp. Mma. Al.’ And of course he married the girls. Otoo heard the story in 1956 when he was 15. He used to tell it dancing and singing to his brothers and sisters, a friend used to drum along as they liked the music and dance and we created our own version of highlife around 1962. The feeling of the music originated from music played by his father from Oge , Liberian music a sort of slow kpanlogo. I mixed this Oge with high life and rock and roll to produce the feeling in Kpanlogo.

In 1962 the Arts Council, banned its playing as one of the beats made the body move in an indecent way. They called Otoo in for a meeting. Otoo said that it ………………… By 1965 Kpanlogo had become so popular that 50+ groups performed it to the head of state Nkrumah.

Kpanlogo was seen as a dance from the youth, arising from the streets of Accra soon after Ghana’s independence, and symbolised the youth and independence of a young nation and so was taken on and played at funerals, state occasions and became an anthem for the ruling party at the time. Up to now its popularity remains hi. There are countless Kpanlogo performing groups, playing for pleasure and at all social and state occasion.


Kpatsa is the principal traditional entertainment music and dance of the Dangme of Ghana, in West Africa. The dance itself involves sideways and forward shuffling movements, making use of short, brisk steps with the body slightly bent. The dance steps move the dancer either diagonally or backwards. With arms bent in front of the body, the right leg steps in concert with the movement of the right arm while the left leg steps at the same time as the left arm; while one foot remains flat on the ground, the heel of the other foot is lifted off the ground.

Ga: History

The Ga- Adagmes migrated from Nigeria through Benin and Togo, settling on the coast of Ghana around the 13th Century.
They live along the coast of Ghana around the capital city Accra, towards the Togo border, as well as in the hills and mountains north of the Coast.
They were farmers, fishermen, salt miners, blacksmiths, potters, weavers, bead makers and hunters and hunters. All these professions are still found, but being around the developing capital, commerce has taken over a major aspect of their economic ventures.