Teaching 2017


Ben Lawrence Ghanaian Drum & Xylophone Workshops 2017

5 Day Residential Workshops in Kent
Xylophone             April 1st -6th    &  October 14th  – 19th
Drumming          June 24th – 29th  &  Oct 28th –  November 2nd

£325 inc food, accommodation and tuition. 

5 Day Drum and Xylo Holidays In Cornwall
Drum and ­­Xylophone            May 27th  – June 1st   &  September  2nd  –  7th

£325 Campers  £395 Bed.  Including food, accommodation and tuition.

Weekend Xylo Workshop in  Bristol
Xylophone    November 25th  –  27th

£130 Including food, accommodation and tuition.

To book send a deposit of £100 (£50 for the weekends). Deposit can be transferred to other courses if change advised two weeks before start of the course. Please pay in full at least two weeks before the start of the course.

To:         Ghana Goods, 52 Averay Road, Stapleton, Bristol. BS16 1BH.  07977904195
ghanagoods.com / ben@bristoldrumming.com
     Payments:     20-13-42 80520977

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